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FAQ's about invoices

We at Nabo have collected our most frequently asked questions and answers about invoices and invoice related inquiries.

Updated over 12 months ago

Where do I find my invoices?

If you log in to the portal, you will find all your invoices under the invoice tab (avier). You can also print out the invoices in PDF format if you wish.

Where and how do I change the payment method?

You can change how you receive the invoice by logging in to the portal and going to the invoice tab(avier). From there you access the settings by going in to "change payment settings" (ändra aviseringssätt). Please not that if you want direct debit or e-invoice, you need to do this through your personal bank.

How do I change my billing address?

If you as a resident want to change your invoice billing address, you log in to the portal with mobile BankID or the information on your invoice. Go to "avier" in the left side menu, and there you will find a button called "ändra aviseringssätt".

If you are a board member, you can change the address of supplier invoices in the portal under "Leverantörsfakturor". There you can choose to send a new message to suppliers, which will include your new invoice address.

If you are a supplier who needs to change your invoice address, please contact us at [email protected].

What options are available for my invoices?

We offer the possibility to receive the invoices by email, e-invoice, direct debit and as a paper invoice. You can find information on the different invoice options by logging on to Log in using the details provided on your invoice.

How do I change to a monthly payment schedule?

The board of you association decides which payment interval should apply. Contact Nabo through an errand (ärende) in the portal and we will help you review that option.

We have changed trustees. When will I receive my first invoice?

W will send out your invoice as soon as we have received all the information from the old trustee. The first month's payment will be sent as an invoice together with information on how to proceed, so please read it carefully. You do not have to pay a invoice paper fee for the first one, nor a reminder fee if payment arrives later than the due date.

Can I receive the invoices by email?

Invoices for accommodation, parking etc and supplier invoices can be sent by mail, but not invoices for real estate agents. Contact us at [email protected] and we will help you with your errand.

I have not received my invoice. Can you send me a new one by mail or e-mail it to me?

If you log in to the portal, you will find all invoices under the "avier" tab. If you click on a invoice, it will be automatically downloaded to your computer and you can also print it out.

Previously, I could log in to the invoice settings using the internetcode and the invoice number found on my invoice. Is this no longer possible?

If you have logged in with BankID in the portal, you can no longer log in using the only the invoice number and internetcode.

What address do you send the notice to?

All information about your property is available in the "avier" tab in the portal. There you can also see the address to which the invoice is sent.

I have received a double invoice. What should I do?

Check the invoice number. If there is the same number on both invoices, you can discard one of them. If the invoices have different invoice number, you can create an errand in the portal and we will help you.

There is an error on my invoice. What should I do?

Create an errand in the portal explaining the error you have and we will help you.

I have paid my invoice but it says it is unpaid. What should I do?

Create an errand in the portal and we can check if the money has been received.

  1. If you have entered the wrong OCR number, we will have to handle this manually.

  2. If you have no paid the full amount, you need to pay the remaining amount to avoid the debt going to debt collection.

  3. If you have paid the full amount and received a reminder, the amount has been received late and you will need to pay the reminder fee that is charged on a future invoice.

I have paid double the monthly fee this month. What happens now?

We can add this as a credit to the next monthly or quarterly invoice, or refund the amount to you. Contact us by creating an errand in the portal.

When is a bill paid, and electricity and water consumption?

The monthly or quarterly bill (depending on your association) is always paid in advance. Electricity and water (IMD) are charged in arrears and are then included in the monthly or quarterly bill, so expect the costs of electricity and water to always be two months behind.

Why do I have to pay the 49 SEK fee?

When you have chosen to receive your fee via mail invoice, we charge an administrative cost of SEK 49, you can choose to receive your avi via direct debit, E-invoice or via email which are free of charge.

I need to defer my payment. Where do I turn?

You need to contact the board of your association to apply for a payment deferral.

I want to dispute the invoice, where do i go?

If you think your invoice is incorrect, you should dispute it with the creditor, which is your housing association or landlord. Please note that this should be done in writing, either by letter or email.

Why am I paying more this month than last?

There may be an extra charge on your invoice, see the invoice for details.

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